Sunday, February 12, 2012

I am one! AH!

Not only am I the worst blogger EVER!!! I really haven't been in the mood or can't imagine what to write to you ladies. I also am the worst bandster!! I broke the pregnant rules. Here is a little back story to this. I have always had fertility issues. With both of my boys it took medicine to even think about getting pregnant, and the first one took almost 3 years to even concieve. So, mind you I am down 55 or so puounds. I was on birth control, but was having some issue with what i though was my band. I blogged about on my last post. Which all of the tests (cat scan, scope) all came back normal. So during that point I wasnt taking my pills. In fact I barely ate anything or swallowed anything but warm water. After alot of unfills and a fill later, there I was a week late on my period. Went to the gym which I had been doing reliously, and decided Id take a pee test in the bathroom. There's no way I could be pregnant right!? WRONG!!!! Big Fat Positive staring me in the face. Which is bitter sweet let me tell you because I was able to do this on my own no drugs and yes i will love anopther baby with all my heart but.... here I am already have a 2 1/2 yr old and almost 9 mo old mind you.. and loosing weight with dreams of cute swimsuits and capris and tank tops to wear this summer that you wouldnt buy in the maternity section.... So my emotions have been up and down up and down up and down lately.... Im happy, and this is exciting just not the best timing. I am worried and scared about giving birth with the band, gaining weight back and just everything in general. So I will leave you with that and I really appreciate all your support this far ladies!! I have been reading and keeping up with all of you and you all sound to be doing wonderful!! So I hope to keep in touch through out this un planned part of my journey! xoxo


  1. congrats! thanks for checking in and updating us :)

  2. Yay...congrats! I know you have mixed feelings and I would be disappointed too! But no matter what babies are a blessing and this one will be too! My sister got pregnant a month after being banded, so she can definitely relate to what you're going through!

  3. Wow, that is bitter sweet. But this happens to lots of people, I know - like Andrea's sister. You're just going to have to delay the journey a bit - nothing wrong with that. :)

  4. Congratulations!! There are a few bloggers around here that got pg after the band - Sarah (losing lots, gaining tons) and Jenn from AZ (can't think of her blog name) and Leslie... you'll still find lots of support around these parts. :)

  5. I found you on the BOOBS blog... I look forward to following your journey. *Maria*~DiZneDiVa: Blogger from "This One Time at Band Camp... 1 Vs. 300 Check out my journey at
