Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It's really happening

I have been debating this decision for a long time now, at least three years or so.  Last fall I was only a step away from scheduling my surgery to be banded to then later find out I was pregnant.  Which meant putting things on hold for awhile:)  I started having terrible heartburn and had a really bad attack last week.  So I went to get some tests done and it showed I have numerous gall stones, and need to have my gall bladder removed. . . So I asked my surgeon (who also happens to be my uncle) if I could get banded and also have my gall bladder out at the same time..long story short i am now scheduled to have both procedures done together next Thursday.  I am very nervous because I am what you would call a hyper hypo, every ache and pain in my body I analyze to the T.  But I am also very excited to start my weight loss journey, and it has helped me extremely reading so many others blogs about their journey.  So the countdown begins... 9 days to my surgery:)


  1. Very exciting ! There's a great/supportive blog community out here ... glad you joined in !

  2. Good for you!!!! Good luck and keep us posted!!

  3. Sooo excited for YOU!! Lap Band Girl sent me over!! Can't wait to follow your journey!

  4. Yeah!! You're going to be so happy you made the decision to have a Lap Band. I was banded 7/1/11 and am a new follower :)

  5. Hi Brooke,

    I had my gallbladder out in 2005 and felt so MUCH better, it was one of the best things I've done. The big plus to getting them done at once is you will only have to experience the pain in your shoulders from the gas once and not twice. When I had my gallbladder out it was the pain from the gas that hurt the most... Best of luck, my surgery date is Septermber 8th.

  6. Thanks ladies for all of your support. It really means a lot to me. I have really been struggling these last couple days and your postive comments have really helped. I will make sure to follow each of you thru your journeys as well.

  7. Hi Brooke. I was scared before my surgery too. I almost backed out. What kept me moving forward was realizing all the things that will go woring with me if I did NOT have this surgery and take control of my life. I am so glad I did. I am three months post-op yesterday.
